Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Progression of School Lunches: Where Do They Stand Now?

           A few years ago, I came across Jamie Oliver’s 2010 TED Talk and his dream to change the face of school lunches in primary and secondary schools. He started in England and then worked his way over to America to move towards healthier eating for children. In his video, Oliver explains the causation of these issues and how educating children will help change the face of this countries obesity epidemic. By teaching the youth of the country about healthy, sustainable, whole foods, there is a chance that the country as a whole can be changed to become healthier and less dependent of processed foods.
While looking up more research on school lunches for this project, I came across a New York Times article that was just recently published about how the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 is now causing protests and boycotts of school lunches around the country. The new, healthier, smaller, and more expensive lunches are not said to be filling or satisfying to the pallet. The kids are not getting enough food because they are throwing a lot of what they need away. Now, lunches in schools are regulated, but even so, they seem to be doing the opposite of what they are there for. 
Make sure to look at both the TED talk and the article as well as "We Are Hungry" video referenced in the article so everyone is on the same page for discussion. Thanks!

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